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Estate Planning for Young Adults in New York 

Law Office Of Corey J. Rossi July 14, 2024

Couple with attorneyMany young adults believe that estate planning is unnecessary until they’re older or have accumulated significant assets. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Estate planning is about protecting yourself and your loved ones, no matter your age or current wealth. For young adults in New York, having a robust estate plan is a proactive step toward managing life's uncertainties. 

Why Young Adults Need to Plan

Estate planning offers essential safeguards and benefits for young adults, no matter their situation. 

Protection in Case of Emergencies 

Life is unpredictable, and medical emergencies can happen to anyone, regardless of age. Having advanced directives such as a healthcare proxy and a living will in place can ensure your medical preferences are respected if you are unable to communicate them yourself. Additionally, a durable power of attorney can designate someone you trust to manage your financial affairs during periods of incapacity. 

Managing Digital Assets 

In today’s digital age, young adults often possess numerous online accounts, including social media profiles, email accounts, and digital financial portfolios. Estate planning allows you to designate how you would like these digital assets managed and who will have access to them, ensuring they are handled according to your wishes. 

Essential Estate Planning Documents

Here are the key documents every young adult in New York should include in their estate plan: 

Last Will and Testament 

A last will and testament lets you specify how your assets will be distributed and to whom. This document can be particularly useful for young adults if you have specific charitable donations in mind or wish to leave personal items to friends and family members. Importantly, if you have minor children, your will can also name a guardian to care for them. 

Beneficiary Designations 

Many financial accounts, from retirement plans to life insurance policies, allow you to designate beneficiaries. Ensuring these are up-to-date and reflect your current wishes can prevent complications later on. Regularly reviewing these designations, especially after major life events such as marriage, divorce, or childbirth, is essential to a cohesive estate plan. 

Legal Guidance for Young Adults

Making informed decisions can be challenging without tailored advice. Working with an estate planning attorney can help you understand and navigate the estate laws specific to New York, striving to ensure that your plan comprehensively addresses your personal situation. 

Trusts and Additional Tools

Depending on your circumstances, additional tools like trusts may offer more control over your asset distribution and provide privacy benefits. Trusts can help manage how and when your beneficiaries receive assets, which can be particularly useful if you have significant assets or wish to provide for loved ones over a longer term. 

Regular Review and Updates

Estate planning should be an ongoing process. As you advance in your career, form relationships, or start a family, your estate plan should evolve to reflect these changes. Regular consultations with your attorney can help keep your plan current and effective. 

Steps Young Adults Can Take Today

  1. Begin with basic documents: Start with a will, healthcare proxy, and power of attorney. 

  1. Designate beneficiaries: Verify your financial accounts have updated beneficiary designations. 

  1. Consider digital assets: Make provisions for the management of your online accounts and digital belongings. 

  1. Seek legal advice: Consult with an estate planning attorney to discuss trusts and other advanced tools. 

  1. Review periodically: As your life changes, regularly review and update your estate plan to keep it relevant. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What happens if I don't have an estate plan? 

If you pass away without an estate plan, your assets will be distributed according to New York state laws, which might not align with your personal wishes. This process, known as intestacy, can lead to lengthy legal proceedings and potential disputes among heirs. 

Can I make changes to my estate plan after it's created? 

Yes, you can make changes to your estate plan at any time. We advise you to review and update your plan regularly, especially after significant life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or a career change. Making timely updates helps ensure that your estate plan accurately reflects your current wishes. 

Do I need an attorney to create an estate plan? 

While it is possible to create basic estate planning documents on your own, working with an attorney is strongly recommended. An estate planning attorney can provide tailored advice, address complicated situations, and verify that your plan complies with New York state laws, offering you peace of mind that your wishes will be honored. 

Understand Your Options

Estate planning is a vital aspect of financial security and personal protection, no matter your age. For young adults in New York, taking steps now can provide peace of mind and safeguard your interests for the future. At the Law Office of Corey J. Rossi, we’re here to help you create a personalized estate plan that grows with you.

Contact us today to get started on securing your future. Located in Tonawanda, New York, our attorneys serve clients throughout Amherst, Wheatfield, and throughout Erie County and Niagara County.